All Services & Repairs
Need new tyres or repairs?
Electrical, plumbing or gas repairs?
Hardware, machinery, parts and service, professional photos or to fill your thermos?

* Catholic - 1st and 3rd Sundays
Contact: B West 9863 4071
* Anglican - 4th Sunday
Contact: D Lloyd 9863 4063
* Uniting - 2nd Sunday 3pm
Contact: S McDougall 9823 5035
*Jehovah Witness - Thursday evenings
* Catholic - Weekly
Contact: S Joyce 9864 2042
* Anglican - Monthly
Contact: L Davidson 9864 1055
* Uniting - Fortnightly
Contact: G Mycock 9864 7896

Dumbleyung Swimming Pool
The Swimming Pool opens during the summer months.
OPEN (November to April)
Wednesday to Monday 12pm - 6pm
If a large group (10+ people) are interested in visiting the pool outside of opening hours, please contact the Pool Manager for possible opening.
Contact the Shire for Early Swim Updates *Sporadic Months Subject to change, Mon, Wed & Fri 6:30am - 8:30am
* Christmas Day and Boxing day
* New Years Eve and New Years Day
If closing due to unforseen circumstances notification will be via the Shire of Dumbleyung Facebook Page www.facebook.com/dumbleyungshire
If travelling a distance to the pool, please check before departing.
Contact Us: Pool on 9863 4227 or the Shire on 9863 4012.

Grand Olde Dumbleyung Inn (G.O.D.I)
Dumbleyung has a tavern providing evening counter meals.
A dining room service is also available, and can be booked for functions.
Dumbleyung District Club
The Dumbleyung District Club maintains a community venue for the enjoyment of members and non-members looking to become members and holds a Social Tea every Friday night.
Kukerin Hotel
The Kukerin Hotel provides counter meals nightly and also has a dining room service.
Contact Us: 9864 6338

General stores in both towns provide day to day necessities including meat, groceries, perishables, haberdashery and hardware.
Both towns have:
* Post Office
* Newsagency
* Public Library
* Caravan Park
* Seniors Units.
In addition Dumbleyung has a Roadhouse, Community Resource Centre, tea room, art shop, hairdresser, rural merchandise store, machinery dealership, engineering works and Landcare office.

Town Halls
Dumbleyung Town Hall
32 Harvey St, Dumbleyung - behind the Shire Admin building
Kukerin Town Hall
37-39 Scadden St, Kukerin
Dongolocking Town Hall
Reserve 12722 One Fourteen Rd Nth, Dongolocking
Moulyinning Town Hall - Can be hired out but NOTE is an old building with ongoing repairs.
14-16 McKenzie St, Moulyinning
All halls can be hired through the Dumbleyung Shire Administration Office by phoning 9863 4012 or completed a Facility Hire Form
Great for community and private events.