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Swimming Pool Updates

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Swimming Pool Update - 25/06/2024
Pool Redevelopment Project Update & Detailed Design Plans
Swimming Pool Update - 17/05/2024
Pool Redevelopment Project Update
Swimming Pool Update - 15/03/2024
Community Updat
Swimming Pool Update - 12/02/2024
Community Updat
Swimming Pool Update - 03/10/2023
Pool Redevelopment Project Update

Swimming Pool Update - 14/08/2023
Community Updat

Swimming Pool Update - 12/05/2023
Community Update 

Swimming Pool Update - 21/03/2023
Press Release
Selected Concept Design 

Swimming Pool Update - 28/02/2023
Community Update
Frequently Asked Questions
Concept Designs

Example Funding Options

Swimming Pool Update - 20/02/2023
Community Update
Frequently Asked Questions
Swimming Pool Update - 28/11/2022
Dumbleyung Swimming Pool Preferred Concept Design Chosen
Swimming Pool Update - 16/11/2022
Recap of Pool Journey Thus Far
Swimming Pool Update - 28/09/2022
Community Update
Swimming Pool Update - 21/06/2022
Overview of Pool Situation
Swimming Pool Update - 13/04/2022
Preliminary design concepts following Working Group meeting
Swimming Pool Update - 22/02/2022
Community Update
Swimming Pool Update - 03/12/2021
Community Update
Swimming Pool Update - 28/10/2021
Community Update
Closure of Swimming Pool Public Notice - 26/10/2021
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