Local Laws
The Shire of Dumbleyung has enacted a number of local laws that govern activities on land that is owned or managed by the Shire, as well as certain activities on private land within the Shire.
These local laws have the status of legislation and are enforceable by the Shire. The Shire may authorise Officers to enforce the local laws on its behalf. The Shire is required to review its local laws once every eight years.
Copies of current local laws and proposed local laws can be accessed by clicking on the relevant links in the table below. Please note that any undertakings and proposed amendment local laws need to be read in conjunction with the principal local law.
From time to time the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation may identify matters that require correction, and request an undertaking from Council to not act on the matters noted.
Undertakings given by Council are -
Health Local Law Undertaking
Local Government Property and Public Places Local Law Undertaking
Bush Fire Brigades Local Law Undertaking
Copies of these undertakings can be accessed by clicking on the relevant links in the table below.
In accordance with s3.13(6) of the Local Government Act 1995, the Shire of Dumbleyung gives notice that on 20 July 2023, Council has resolved to adopt the following local laws:
Shire of Dumbleyung Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2023
To make provisions about the organisation, establishment, maintenance and equipment of bush fire brigades.
To align existing local laws with changes in law and operational practices.
Shire of Dumbleyung Health Amendment Local Law 2023
To amend the Shire of Dumbleyung Health Local Law 2022 consistent with undertakings provided to the Joint Standing Committtee on Delegated Legislation.
a) delete clauses 6.24(3), 7.4(4), 7.11(3) and 8.7(1); and
b) correct the typographical and formatting errors in clauses 2.9(6), 5.6(2)(b), 6.17(c), 8.32(f)(i) and 10.1(1)(c).
Shire of Dumbleyung Local Government Property and Public Places Amendment Local Law 2023
To amend the Shire of Dumbleyung Local Government Property and Public Places Local Law 2022 consistent with undertakings provided to the Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation.
a) amend the definition of 'animal' in clause 1.5 to include cats;
b) amend clause 2.6(1) and (3) by replacing 'local government' with 'Council';
c) delete clause 12.3(2)(c); and
d) correct the formatting error in clause 15.6(1)(b).
Copies of the local laws are available for inspection at the:
Shire of Dumbleyung Administration Office, 32 Harvey Street Dumbleyung WA
Dumbleyung Library, Dumbleyung Community Resource Centre, 28 Absolon Street Dumbleyung WA
Kukerin Library, 18 Manser Street Kukerin WA
Copies can also be accessed by clicking on the relevant links in the table below.
These local laws were gazetted in the Government Gazette, Friday 4th August 2023 No.102 and will come into operation on 18th August 2023.
Australian Standards (AS) are sometimes quoted in local laws to provide the basis for industry standards for the matter it relates to.
These may be inspected at the Shire of Dumbleyung Administration Office, free of charge, during business hours.
Please note, these Standards are copyright to Standards Australia, and accordingly:
They are able to be discussed with the relevant employee in person or on the telephone; and
They can be inspected free of charge at the Administration Office.
If we don't hold a current copy of the relevant Standard, we will obtain it for you to view.​
Because of copyright, we will not -
Email quotes of text taken from a Standard.
Permit photocopying of photos to be taken on a mobile phone etc.
Should you need a copy of the Standard please contact Standards Australia www.standards.org.au
See their contacts page for an online enquiry form or -
Telephone - 1800 035 822 (free call) or 02 9237 6000
Post - GPO Box 476 Sydney NSW 2001.