DRAFT 2024-2034
The Shire of Dumbleyung has completed a draft 2024-2034 Sport & Recreation Plan that is now available for community review and comment.
The Plan is a culmination of significant earlier Shire engagement effort targeting key sport and recreation officials from right across our community.
The Plan sets out the high, medium and low Sport & Recreation project priorities over the next 10 years, noting all projects are subject to funding.
Community feedback is now invited to enable a final Shire of Dumbleyung 2024-2034 Sport & Recreation Plan to be considered and adopted by Council.
The closing date for feedback is 5pm Friday 25th October 2024. Email and/or written responses should be sent to or dropped off at the Shire office.
2024/25 SHIRE
A booklet with all our Shire information for ratepayers and residents in the one stop.
Get quick reference information on:
* When to pay your rates and how to read your Rates Notice;
* Council meeting dates and useful contacts;
* Bin collection dates;
* Waste Site opening hours and Fees & Charges;
* Firebreak Notice information on permits and fire seasons;
* Ranger details and cat/dog registration information.
In accordance with section 5.55 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is hereby given for the availability of the Shire of Dumbleyung 2023/24 Annual Report. Copies of the Annual Report for 2023/24 are available at the Dumbleyung Shire Office, Dumbleyung Library, Kukerin Library and the Shire Website Copies will also be available at the Annual Electors Meeting.
In accordance with section 5.29 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is hereby given of the Annual Electors Meeting which will be held on:
Date: Thursday 13th February 2025
Time: 7.00pm
Place: Council Chambers, Shire of Dumbleyung
The purpose of this meeting is to accept the Annual Report for the 2023/24 financial year, and any other general business.
The Annual Electors Meeting is an opportunity for Council to present the 2023/24 Annual Report and for members of the public to ask any questions about the Report and Shire activities for the previous financial year.
To ensure the most accurate and informed responses can be provided to your questions, please submit your question(s) in writing prior to the meeting. Questions can be emailed to, posted to Shire of Dumbleyung PO Box 99 Dumbleyung WA 6350 or hand delivered to the Shire Administration Office at 32 Harvey Street Dumbleyung.
In accordance with new requirements of the Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 the public are advised that this meeting will be audio recorded. The full recording will be made publicly available on the Shire of Dumbleyung website within 14 days of the meeting taking place. Due to the new requirements for audio recording, all Electors Meetings will now be held in the Shire of Dumbleyung Council Chambers.
Mr Gavin Treasure
Chief Executive Officer
Shire of Dumbleyung
At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 15th August 2024, Council adopted additional fees and charges. Please click on the link to read the public notice.
A copy of the 2024/2025 Fees & Charges is available on the Shire of Dumbleyung website:
and is also available at the Shire Administration Office, Dumbleyung Library and Kukerin Library.
The Shire of Dumbleyung is a subscriber to the Grant Guru portal. This is a one stop shop for anyone interested in checking out private and publicly funded grant opportunities from right across Australia. At present, there are over 1,000 community grants listed with a total value in excess of $64B. There are also over 800 business related grants worth more than $72B. By accessing the following RDA Wheatbelt weblink, any business or community group can sign up (register) to received free email alerts as new grant funding opportunities arise. Please feel free to contact the Shire if anyone requires any additional information or assistance.
Ausgold aims to support a range of organisations and groups that support the local community. Members of the community are invited to submit applications for donations or sponsorship (either financial or in-kind) in the categories of Education, Health, Community and Environment.
The Shire of Dumbleyung and other regional local government representatives received two presentations from both CBH and Western Power at its most recent WALGA Central Country Zone Meeting held in the Shire of Cuballing.
CBH provided an outline of their current strategy and intended investment plan, whilst Western Power provided information around the significant risk issues currently being encountered by rural communities in relation to pole top fires. Further details attached. It was great to see/hear CBH providing an update on their recently completed successful Dumbleyung Terminal upgrades. Dumbleyung Terminal has also been tentatively earmarked by CBH as a site for a new (next) round of fast speed rail loading infrastructure investment, subject to funding.
The pole top fire issues that Western Power are responsible for remain an ongoing concern for our community, however, there was pleasing news on two fronts. The intended reinstatement of line washing using aerial appliances (helicopters) and an ongoing program of replacement insulators utilising less combustible alternatives
Vacswim Update
For parents who have enrolled their children into Vacswim at the Dumbleyung Pool, please contact Vacswim directly to enrol your child into a different venue due to the pool being closed.
With the recent pole-top fires causing power outages and as a result losing any mobile network, we have been approaching Telstra for assistance in resolving the community's network issues.
If you are experiencing Telstra network issues, please contact Telstra on 13 22 00 to lodge a complaint and also email the Shire at to be added to our register of complaints that we are compiling to present to Telstra.