The Shire administers the Bush Fire Act 1954 which places certain requirements on landowners to ensure that they minimise the potential for fires to occur.
All landowners have a responsibility to prevent the outbreak of fire by ensuring appropriate firebreaks are maintained and that inflammable material is removed from their land. You may be placing your property or your neighbour’s property in danger by not minimising the potential for fires to occur.
An infringement can be issued for non-compliance with the Bush Fires Act. Further, if Shire staff are required to undertake work on your property to ensure that it complies with the legislation, the Shire may charge you for the costs associated with undertaking any such work.

Dumbleyung Bushfire Hotline
Ph: 9487 5410
To receive SMS Notifications on Harvest/Movement Bans and Shire road closures, contact Shire Admin to be added to list.
Ph: 9863 4012
Burning Periods
Permits to Burn are issued from Fire Control Officers (FCO's) to Dumbleyung residents only.
Residents can obtain Permits to Burn by contacting the Fire Control Officer within their area.
A full list of FCO contact details can be viewed via the annual Firebreak Notice (link above).
Permits to Burn must be obtained prior to lighting a fire during the Restricted Burning Periods.
Permits are free of charge on request.
Please note: No burning of any type is permitted on days when the Fire Danger Rating is High or above.
> 1st February to 31st March (midnight to midnight)
> 19th September to 31st October (midnight to midnight)
Permits are required for burning during this period.
It is the responsibility of the permit holder to check that there is no Total Fire Ban imposed but DFES or that the fire danger rating is not High or above, permits are invalid during those times.
Use of Wood/Solid Fuel BBQs & Pizza Ovens:
Can be used, excluding when the Fire Danger Rating is High or above, or when a Total Fire Ban has been declared. MUST HAVE fire preventions in place such as a hose and not to be near trees or tall/dry grass.
Burning of grass, paddock, bush and bonfires without a permit.
Things to do prior to burning:
Obtain a permit when required, contact your nearest FCO.
Check the Fire Danger Rating for the area, cannot burning during high and over,
Always being in attendance of your burn,
Have the ability to contain, control and extinguish your burn. This means You have suitable fire fighting equipment onsite for the duration of the burn,
Letting your neighbors know you plan to burn,
You aren’t under the influence of any substance,
There is more than one person doing the burn,
You call the Department of Fire & Emergency Services Communication Centre on 9395 9210 and register prior to lighting your burn. If your burn escapes and causes damage, you may be liable for costs. Bush Fire and Emergency Management
Annual Bushfire Compliance Inspections
a) Where the land is 0.40 hectares or less all flammable materials on the land shall be
removed from the whole of the land.
b) Where the land exceeds 0.40 hectares in the area, firebreaks at least 1.829m wide shall be
cleared of all flammable material immediately inside all external boundaries of the land and
also immediately surrounding all buildings situated on the land.

Tall dead grass must be slashed and removed from the whole of a property.
Vacant land over 0.4ha requires a 2m boundary firebreak.
Woodpiles/fuel storage areas/garden refuse piles and green power domes must have a perimeter firebreak.
The Shire of Dumbleyung commences property inspections after the 18th October annually.
The purpose of the inspections is to assess landowners / occupiers compliance with the Fire Break Notice (linked above). All properties are to remain compliant until 31st March the following year.
Rangers or Shire Staff will carry out the inspections and are appointed Bushfire Control Officers under the provision of the Bushfire Act 1954. The Act provides Bushfire Control Officers the authority to enter any land or building, including private property, in the performance of their duties.
Fire Breaks
All Owners and/or Occupiers of Land within the Shire of Dumbleyung are guided by the Bush Fires Act 1954.
Pursuant to the powers contained in Section 33 of the above Act, you are hereby required on or before 31st October and thereafter up to and including 31st March to have a firebreak clear of all inflammable material on all rural and townsite land owned or occupied by you:
Harvest & Vehicle Movement Bans
What is a Vehicle and Harvest Movement Ban?
Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans are issued by local governments under the Bushfires Regulations 1954.
It is your responsibility as a harvester operator to be aware of any bans in place before harvesting as you could be fined for breaching a ban.
A Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban is a ban that individual local governments are responsible for issuing under the Bush Fires Regulations 1954 Section 38A, and/or Section 24C.
The Shire of Dumbleyung will impose the ban when the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer and Community Emergency Services Manager is of the opinion that the use of engines, vehicles, plant or machinery during the prohibited burning times or the restricted burning times or both is likely to cause a fire or contribute to the spread of a bushfire.
A Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban may be imposed for any length of time but is generally imposed for the ‘heat of the day’ periods and may be extended or revoked by the local government should weather conditions change.
The responsibility remains on the individual to ensure that any activity undertaken is not likely to start a fire and that a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban is currently not in place in their local government area.
To find out if a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban has been imposed:
Contact the Shire during business hours on (08) 9863 4012, or
Contact a FCO, or
Request an SMS alert from the Shire by nominating a mobile telephone contact. To register phone (08) 9863 4012 or email enquiries@dumbleyung.wa.gov.au
Activities NOT PERMITTED during a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban
Harvesting operations are not permitted,
Any “hot works” (e.g. welding, grinding, cutting, heating, lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, combustible engines etc.) in the “open air” are not permitted.
Other – Use or operation of any engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery in the area likely to cause a bush fire or contribute to the spread of a bush fire.
Activities PERMITTED during a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban
Movement of Vehicles on “gazetted roads” (as described in Bush Fires regulation 24A(1) and Road Traffic Act 1974 section 5.1)).
Movement of vehicles on a lane, driveway, yard or other area that provides access to, or a parking facility at, any residential, farming or business premises, if the area has been sufficiently cleared of inflammable material to prevent the escape of fire.
Use or operation of a vehicle if it is for the prevention of an immediate and serious risk to the health or safety of a person or livestock, and only if all reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent the activity from creating a bush fire danger.
Use or operations of vehicles and undertaking of “hot works” by those persons holding a current Exemption under Bush Fires Act 1954 s. 22C (Exemption from Total Fire Bans)
You could be fined up to $5,000.00, if you breach a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban.
General Information
Burning of Roadside Vegetation
No roadside burning is allowed by any persons within the Shire without the approval of the Council. Anybody who is found to have burnt any roadside vegetation or reserve vested in the Shire, either deliberately, by neglect or carelessness as per the Bush Fires Act 1954, may be made to pay the cost of spraying or re-vegetating the area.
Burning in the Townsite
No fires in large open areas are to be lit in the townsite unless a town Fire Control Officer is advised of the intention to burn, subject to normal permit.
Clearing of Town Lots
Owners of town blocks can arrange, through the Shire Office, to have vacant blocks mowed to comply with the Firebreak Notice.
Vacant blocks must be cleared of rubbish (including scrap metal and bricks), branches and trees and structures of any kind in order to be eligible annual clearing as it must allow a mower to get around the block, the service does not include whipper snipping or spraying. Subject to annual Fees and Charges.
This is to arranged by 1st October to allow time for the works to be completed prior to 1st November, phone the Shire Office on 9863 4012 for further information.
Burning on Sundays and Public Holidays
From the start of the restricted burning time to the end of Easter, no person is allowed to light a fire on a Sunday or Public Holiday.
Stubble Burning
Stubble burning, subject to normal permit, will be allowed on Sundays after 1st March.
Attending Fires
Only registered volunteers who have completed the minimum Rural Bushfire Awareness Course can attend a fire.
When attending a fire registered volunteer firefighters should wear the provided orange fire-fighting PPC which includes a jacket and trousers, goggles, gloves & boots (self provided).
FCO's: please ensure all persons likely to attend fires over 16 years of age are registered as brigade members.