Local Government Elections
2023 Nominations & Results

2023 Nominations Received

Local Government Elections
Local government ordinary elections are held on the third Saturday in October every two years.
Councillors are elected for terms of four years in Western Australia. Elections are held every two years for half of the council. If a vacancy occurs within a term, an extraordinary election is held.
The Electoral Commissioner is responsible for conducting all local government postal elections in Western Australia and can also conduct voting in person elections on request under the Local Government Act 1995. By making the Electoral Commissioner responsible for these elections, the local governments concerned ensure that elections are conducted independently and with impartiality.
For local government elections, rolls close at 5.00pm, 50 days prior to polling day. All electors should check their details are up to date before rolls close.
If the number of candidates is equal to the number of vacancies, the candidate is elected unopposed. If there are more candidates than vacancies, the election will proceed.
While voting in a local government election is not compulsory in Western Australia, all electors are strongly encouraged to vote.
Information for electors
Electors who wish to nominate as a candidate in a local government election must complete a valid nomination application and present it to the Returning Officer before nominations close. Nominations for a local government election open 44 days before polling day and close at 4.00 pm, 37 days before polling day.
Information for candidates
Under the Local Government Act 1995, to be eligible to nominate as a candidate for a local government election, the candidate must be an elector of the district (residential or owner/occupier) and over 18 years of age. A person cannot nominate as a candidate if they:
are a member of the Legislative Assembly, the Legislative Council, the House of Representatives or the Senate (or has been elected as such a member but has not yet taken office)
are a member of the council of another local government
are an insolvent under administration
are in prison serving a sentence for a crime
have been convicted of a serious local government offence within the last 5 years (unless the court waived the disqualification)
have been convicted on indictment of an offence for which the indictable penalty was, or included:
imprisonment for life, or
imprisonment for more than five years.
are subject to a court order disqualifying him or her from being a member of a council because he or she has misapplied local government funds or property.
To nominate as a candidate for a local government election, the candidate must make a valid nomination application. This consists of:
a completed nomination form in the prescribed form, signed and witnessed
a single A4 page profile of not more than 1,000 characters (including spaces)
a deposit of $100
a recent passport sized photograph (optional).
proof of completion of the Local Government Candidate Induction
All nomination applications must be signed by the candidate in front of a witness.
The nomination application must be presented to the Returning Officer at a pre-arranged appointment before 4.00pm on the day of close of nominations, 37 days before election day.
As the Returning Officer may ask candidates to amend their nomination, it is recommended that candidates ensure that they have allowed sufficient time to finalise any required changes prior to the close of nominations.
Compulsory Local Government Candidate Induction
New laws have been introduced which make it compulsory for all candidates who would like to become a Councillor and are nominating or re-nominating in a local government election to complete the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries online induction.
To be able to nominate in a Western Australian local government election, YOU MUST complete this induction. The induction should take no longer than an hour to complete. Please make sure you leave enough time to complete the induction so you can lodge your nomination form before nominations close.
Access the Candidate Induction
If you would like to know more about nominating for Council please contact;
Gavin Treasure 9863 4012 or ceo@dumbleyung.wa.gov.au
Zoey Eyre on 9863 4012 or zeyre@dumbleyung.wa.gov.au