Dumbleyung Bushfire Hotline
Ph: 9487 5410
To receive SMS Notifications on Harvest/Movement Bans and Shire road closures, contact Shire Admin to be added to list.
Ph: 9863 4012

Each Monday for the month of May we will be posting tips on our website and Instagram, information on how you can be prepared for a STORM.
Questions to consider:
Is your home prepared for a storm?
What’s your emergency plan?
What do you do during a storm?
What do you do after a storm?
Know the storm alerts and warnings
You need to start preparing for a storm.
You need to prepare now for a storm.
Stay indoors as severe weather is less than 6 hours away.
The severe weather has passed.
Be Storm Ready is a message supported by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and the Shire of Dumbleyung to increase the resilience to storm risk in our community because, during a storm, emergency services may not be available to protect every home. This means residents and homeowners need to be responsible for their own safety.
Essential Information in Case of a Storm
Call 000 if you are in immediate danger or worried about someone's safety.
The State Emergency Services (SES) can assist in preparations to your home is you are unable to and after a storm if there are damages to your property.
Monitor conditions. Useful websites include:
Facebook pages for DFES and Shire of Dumbleyung(External link)
Where to Begin a Storm Smart Plan
Download the 'Storm Smart Brochure' from Prepare for a storm (
Use DFES resources to help you prepare your plan.
Sit down with pen and paper and write a clear Storm Plan.
Meet your neighbours and develop support networks.
How to Become Storm Ready?
Learn how to prepare and protect your family and property from a storm.​​
Develop a Storm Plan.
Have a Emergency Kit.
Learn about storm warnings and alerts.