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23rd JULY 2024

Dumbleyung Ag TechXPO 2024 - Presenters

BRAD JONES - Bungulla Farms
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Brad Jones is a data-driven farmer who manages Bungulla Farming in Tammin, Western Australia. Recognizing the need for maximum utilization of farm assets, Brad implemented a data-driven approach to improve the profitability and sustainability of the farm. By analysing extensive data from soil sampling, NDVI imagery, and yield mapping, Brad makes informed decisions that optimize the use of machinery, soil, and labour, resulting in 60% of his decisions being data-driven and enhancing the farm's overall effectiveness.

BRAD EGAN - Egan Farming
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Brad runs a dryland broadacre cropping business in Scaddan, Western Australia, with his parents. After earning an agribusiness degree from Curtin University, he returned to the family farm, where he oversees precision agriculture and uses his expertise in business analytics and agronomy to inform decision-making. An advocate for ag-tech, Brad's dedication to data-driven farming earned him the 2022 Young Farmer of the Year and an Excellence in Innovation award. He finds great satisfaction in using data to make precise management decisions and validate his instincts.

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Simon Foley joined Agworld in September 2014 and is now Director of sales and site leader APAC for Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Simon has over 30 years’ experience in broadacre grain farming systems extending from in field production agronomics to farm and business management. Prior to Agworld, Simon consulted to farm businesses across WA and held senior management roles in a boutique funds management company focussed on agricultural investments. He holds an Agricultural Science (Hons) degree from the University of Western Australia.

ALLAN EVERY - Field Solutions Group
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Agri-tech manager at Field Solutions Group.

Brought on board to develop the Ag IoT technology stack for FSG.

Late bloomer when it comes to technology having been thrust into the technology space at the age of 55.

Have worked in many areas of agriculture in addition to technology including cropping, grazing, feed lotting and contracting.

NIK CALLOW - UWA School of Agriculture & Environment
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Has a partnership with the Western Australian Government (DBCA) to design, implement and evaluate interventions that led to a 20% reduction in salt reaching the Toolibin Lake Ramsar-listed wetland, and applied research with DBCA, DWER and DPIRD on salinity and water resource challenges in a drying climate. Developing new tools to map frost damage using drones, satellite and on-ground remote sensing in wheat crops to address problems that costs Australian growers $300 million per year in lost income with the GRDC.

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Dr Richard George is a Senior Principal Research Scientist in Water Science. He is responsible for the coordination and delivery of Land and Water research and leads Major Projects in Irrigation, Drought & Hydrology Research areas.

Richard has over 37 years experience in land and water resource assessment, including the assessment and management of soil salinity issues in dryland and irrigated agriculture.

JULIA EASTON - Curtin University
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Senior Research Fellow in agribusiness analytics, leading the Curtin 4 Agribusiness Profitability (C4AP) initiative in the Centre for Crop and Disease Management.

C4AP work closely with leading data practitioners in the grains and horticulture industry. We are focussed on delivering next generation agribusiness and spatial data analytics research to underpin future farm profitability and sustainability.

GAUS AZAM - Soil Science & Crop Nutrition 
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Gaus was inspired to pursue a career in agriculture after growing up on a farm in Bangladesh. He has 18 years of experience in soil research, working in Bangladesh, Thailand, Cambodia and Australia. Currently, Gaus leads the ground breaking project ‘reengineering soils’. Based on his industry-oriented applied research performance, Gaus received the ‘Recognising and Rewarding Excellence’ award from Grains Research and development Corporation (GRDC).

DEAN REVELL - Select Carbon
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Dean Revell is the CEO of Select Carbon, working with landholders to integrate carbon farming into agricultural businesses.

Dean has been working in the carbon sector for 5 years, after having established Revell Science as an independent consultancy to link science to practice, and working in R&D at CSIRO and at universities in WA, SA and NZ.

TASH TEAKLE - Agristart
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Tash Teakle comes from a farming family in Cunderdin and her business, AgriStart, is based in Vasse.

AgriStart delivers innovation training to support commercialisation of agtech, supporting hundreds of businesses over the last 8 years.

Tash also undertakes several board and advisory roles and is an active angel investor.

ROB KELLY - Agora Livestock
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Rob grew up on a farm in Kojonup and studied Ag Science at UWA. He spent 10 years at Plum Grove in a grain trading and risk management role and was also instrumental in the design and development of DailyGrain (now owned by CBH), a price discovery platform for WA's grain market. He started Agora Livestock (previously known as LIVEstock Pricing) in 2017 as a price discovery tool for the livestock industry.

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Cam Edwards is the Client and Partnership Development Manager for Axistech in WA, leveraging over 20 years of experience with Telstra, Optus, and NBN Co. in the regional telecommunications industry. He is passionate about driving tech adoption by myth busting, simplifying, and making sure our tech compliments our lives rather than complicating it.

Conference Convener
Please contact Krissy at the Shire of Dumbleyung on:
       9863 4012            0474 723 875   

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Our thanks to our sponsors for their support and contributions

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This event is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry as part of its Support Regional Trade Events Program and by the Grower Group Alliance, through funding from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

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